Staying In This Great Country

Staying in This Great Country

  • The Important Services That A Naturalization Lawyer Can Provide To You

    People who come to this country as immigrants often grow to love it. They want to stay here and pursue a path to citizenship. However, as an immigrant yourself, you may not be sure of how to put yourself on this path. You can find out how to become a citizen and pursue the process of becoming a legal resident by hiring a naturalization attorney to represent you. Proving Your Identity

  • Tips For What To Do During An ICE Raid On A Home

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is an organization charged with safeguarding the U.S. border, but they are also responsible for raiding homes and businesses in search of possible illegal immigrants. If you know there is an illegal immigrant in your community, you might be sensitive to their plight and want to help. At the same time, you need to make sure that any help you offer keeps you on the right side of the law yourself.

  • Applying For Citizenship? 3 Mistakes To Avoid During The Application Process

    Becoming a citizen of the United States is a dream for many people. Fortunately, proper understanding and planning will help you make this dream a reality. No matter how much time and effort you have put into your citizenship, certain situations and mistakes may cause your application to be denied. If you are currently in the process of applying for your US citizenship, here are a few mistakes you need to avoid.

  • Moving To Work In The United States: How To Obtain The EB-3 Green Card

    Are you a skilled professional with a degree or a lot of training in a specific field? If you've earned a degree but you're not a resident of the United States and you'd like to move to the United States to have opportunities to earn a decent wage while using the skills you've acquired, you may want to apply for the EB-3 Green Card. Although applying for a temporary work visa is an option, you might want to move to the United States on a permanent basis without worrying about moving back to the country you were born and raised in.

  • Bringing Long-Distance Love To Life: How To Get Married To Someone From Another Country

    Did you meet someone online who isn't from the United States? You may have initially started talking to this person as a friend, but connected on a different level after a while. If you're hitting it off and have started a long-distance relationship with this person, you may be interested in getting married to him or her in the near future. However, you may not know what steps you'll need to take to make the marriage happen.

2024© Staying In This Great Country
About Me
Staying In This Great Country

The instant I first stepped onto American soil, I truly felt like I was at home. I didn't know what the future would hold for me, but I knew that the experience was special. I dedicated my life to staying in this country and making a life for myself, and it was really fascinating to see how much of a difference my environment made for me. I was able to learn more, do more, and succeed more than I would have been able to in my home country, and so I started talking with immigration attorneys to see how I could stay. Check out this blog for more information on making the USA your home.